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/ Internet Passport / Internet Passport.iso / passport / prodigy / prm4x7.tt_ / prm4x7.tt (.png)
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Labels: bulletin board | earth | person | reckoner | road | sky | stairway
OCR: abcdefah jk Imnopqrs tuvxuz ABCDEP FGH IJK LMNOPQRSTUUXYZ 123456789 @t$% & [] The quick brown f ox jumps over the fzei 6op The quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy bop The qu i ck br own OX j ump s over the lazy bop The qu i ck brown oX J ump s over the lazy bop The qu i ck brown f ox J ump s over the lazy op The yP!nb brown f ox j umps over the The y3!nb brown i ump s abcdefghijk Imnopgrs tuvxyz ABCDEEGH LMNOPQRST TUUWXYZ 0123456789